Meet the Team — Skye Creevey

Could you tell us a little about your role in our team? I am a project manager, which means that I oversee the running of some of the programs within our portfolio as the UNE Capacity Building team. I oversee logistics, legal aspects, financial aspects, timelines, and execution of projects for the duration that they run.

How long have you been in the team? I started in January 2023, so a year and a few months now!

What were you working on before?
I was completing my masters in livestock research science. My thesis was to do with the production of greenhouse gas in livestock waste, predominantly in relation to live export. It was about understanding the dynamics around the gas production, mitigating it, and improving the overall welfare and health of the animals on-board. But it can be widely applied to other intensive industries, such as feedlots and other animal production systems.

What has been the most rewarding aspect of working as part of the ICB team? I have really enjoyed being able to meet and work with a whole range of people across our programs and be able to engage with them in their research, their leadership journey and in all of the things that they've been able to accomplish. It has been a really enriching experience to know that by the end of the program, the work we’ve done has had a positive impact on our participants, their careers and their lives.

What has been the most challenging aspect? There are a lot of moving pieces to pull together for our programs, but I enjoy that challenge. I enjoy working to the tough timelines etc. Overall, the whole roster of programs we deliver has been especially rewarding. 

What is one perks of the job that you didn’t expect before you started? Definitely that I get to travel to really amazing places and to experience lots of different cultures. Since starting I’ve been to Indonesia, Fiji, Malaysia, Laos and I’m about to head to Kenya.


Positive values-based leadership 


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